Business Service Office
Business Service Office at the University of Novi Sad (BSO-NS) should not be one more unit within the University of Novi Sad (UNS) which will be competitive with existing units with similar objectives (such as UNESCO Chair for Entrepreneurial study, Business incubator Novi Sad, Europe Enterprise Network, Competition for the best technological innovation, Technology Transfer Center, University Center for Intellectual Property, etc.), but the way for activities harmonization of the above-mentioned units. This office, should make important link between researchers and expertise which exist at the UNS, as well as students (young innovators) from one side and potential investors, or sponsors, who have a need for these skills or knowledge from another side. BSO-NS should:
- ensuring simple, fast and reliable connection between sponsors, UNS, research centers, business incubators and science-technology parks;
- ensuring data base, which contains knowledge and resources that UNS and research centers/laboratories/groups offer to business sector as well as its regular updating;
- development and maintenance of the platform for Innovation management;
- establishing on-line web catalogue which contains research and innovation resources, including their promotion;
- ensuring logistic support in development of business incubators and science-technology parks in the Western Balkan region;
- forming specific and statistical reports which contains important information for help to the management of the UNS.
Activities of the BSO-NS can be identified as follows:
- Collecting data related to the research and innovation potential of the University of Novi Sad, for this purpose it is necessary to have regular communication with representatives of the faculties responsible for this area as well as with representatives of the Provincial Secretariat for science and technological development;
- Promotion of the University’s research and services using (and updating) catalogue of research and innovation potential of UNS;
- Establishing and maintenance of the data base in the form of HTML catalogue, with on-line search and preparation of specific reports (on the administrator level and user level);
- Providing unique approach to university’s resources, equipment, trainings, research results, patents and licences which can be offered to the industrial partners;
- Establishing private-public partnerships and promotion of the modernized UNS services;
- Development of partnership with enterprises and connecting researchers and students with partners from industrial sector;
- Giving support and enforcing links with business incubators and science-technology parks within the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina;
- Participation in the organization of the Best technology innovation competition;
- Maintenance of the web platform for the innovation management;
- Close collaboration with UNESCO chair for entrepreneurial study and with Europe Enterprise Network;
- Participation in the improvement process of the University’s regulatory documents and procedures.