
Catalogue on Research and Innovation
Potential of University in Novi Sad

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Group for Systems Analysis and Decision Making (Research group)
Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad
Home page

• Implement contemporary systems analysis and decision-making methods and computerized tools in natural
resources planning and management
• Develop and implement advanced methodologies for individual and group decision-making
• Modeling river basin systems (network modeling; combined optimization and simulation)
• Decision support in water resources and agriculture

Name email Host institution
true Srđević Bojan bojans@polj.uns.ac.rs Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad

• Developing decision-making methodologies, methods and tools
• Decision-making in individual and group contexts supported by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
• Development and application of combined network simulation-optimization models for simulating large scale river basin systems operation
• Application of heursitics and metaheuristics in natural resources management
• Development and application of evolution based and other stochastic optimization algorithms (genetic, evolutionary strategies, ant colony systems, simulated annealing, etc.)
• SWOT/PESTLE analyses in water resources.

Resource Name Type
Computers, Notebooks, GPS Equipment
Software AHP Special software

• Srdjevic B., Srdjevic Z. (2013): Synthesis of individual best local priority vectors in AHP-group decision making, Applied Soft Computing 13 (2013) 2045-2056, Elsevier.
• Srdjevic B., Srdjevic Z. (2011): Bi-criteria evolution strategy in estimating weights from the AHP ratioscale matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation 218, 1254–1266. Elsevier.
• Srdjevic B., and Medeiros Y.D.P. (2008): Fuzzy AHP assessment of water management plans, Water Resources Management 22, 877-894, Springer.
• Srdjevic B. (2007): Linking Analytic Hierarchy Process and Social Choice Methods to Support Group Decision-Making in Water Management, Decision Support Systems 42 (4), 2261-2273, Elsevier.
• Srdjevic B. (2005): Combining different prioritization methods in analytic hierarchy process synthesis, Computers & Operations Research 32 (7), 1897-1919, Elsevier.

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+381 21 48 53 337