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Group for Artificial EM Materials and Microwave Engineering (Research group)
Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad
Home page

The main objectives of the Group for Artificial EM Materials and Microwave Engineering are innovative research and development of microwave circuits and devices for wireless communication and sensing applications. The special focus of our research is the development of artificial electromagnetic and acoustic materials (metamaterials) and their application in design of novel, miniature passive microwave and acoustic devices with improved performances such as filters, resonators, antennas etc.

Name email Host institution
true Crnojević-Bengin Vesna bengin@uns.ac.rs Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad

• A number of single-band and multi-band (dual-band and tri-band) bandpass and bandstop filters with ultracompact dimensions, high performance and independent control of passbands/stopbands
• Various electromagnetic and acoustic metamaterials with properties not found in nature
• Compact multi-band planar antennas
• Microwave filters and antennas based on fractal curves
• Compact sensors for measurement of soil moisture independently of the soil type

Resource Name Type
Laboratory Other

• V. Crnojevic-Bengin, N. Cselzusyka, N. Jankovic, and R. Geschke, “Mu-Near-Zero Propagation in Quasi-TEM Microstrip Circuits,” Jour. of Electromagnetic Waves and Application, 2013.(u štampi)
• N. Jankovic, R. Geschke, and V. Crnojevic-Bengin, “Compact tri-band bandpass and bandstop filters based on Hilbert-fork resonators,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 282-284, 2013.
• N. Jankovic, V. Radonic, and V. Crnojevic-Bengin, “Compact tri-band bandpass filter based on quarterwavelength resonators,” Jour. of Electromagnetic Waves and Application, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 750-757, 2013.
• V. Crnojevic-Bengin, K. Zamlyakov, N. Jankovic, and I. Vendik, “Dual-band bandpass filters based on dual-mode Hilbert fractal resonator,” Microw. and Opt. Tech. Letters., vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1440-1443, 2013.
• G. Kitić, V. Crnojević-Bengin, Sensor for measurement of moisture of undisturbed soil samples independently of the soil type, Sensors, vol. 13 br. 2, str. 1692-1705, 2013.

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